News & Announcements

[ 2025-02-13]

[ 2025-02-13] - is your comprehensive digital companion to life in Retford, a charming market town nestled in the heart of Nottinghamshire. Our mission is simple: to connect, inform, and celebrate the vibrant community that makes Retford so special.

[ 2023-01-01]
I note a new Member in January 24, J A J GAMBLE who was at our School 1980-83. Are you related to RA Gamble who arrived, as I did in 1953? I think he farmed near Retford, and he organized an ORA re-union at the Best Western Hotel circa 1980.

[ 2022-01-27]
It is our sad duty to announce the untimely death of our Treasurer Edward Otter. Edward died in the early hours on Boxing Day after suffering a heart attack during the evening of Christmas Day. Edward was enjoying life, and would have been 80 in April. Edward was instrumental in the (re)formation of ORA in 2021. His funeral was on Thursday 20th January but messages and donations can be left on a memorial website.

[ 2021-09-08]
The sad death of Ian Collins, Head Boy around 1955/56, was reported at the Ye Olde Bell reunion, Barnby Moor, September 8th 2021.

[ 2021-01-01]
With sadness we announce the death of Robert Proctor, pupil at King Edward VI Grammar School 1955-1960 and active supporter of the 2021 ORA revival.