Retford King Edward VI Grammar School - 2003reunion photos

School Reunion - July 2003

These photos were rescued from a corruptied Geocities website and their origin is unknown. Please comment under any of them if they are yours and object to them being shared here.

"During an infrequent visit to Friends Reunited in June I saw a notice from Stephen Walker advising that he was retiring from the school after 35 years.

"This also coincided with the schools formal closure and the 25th anniversary of taking A Levels.  Having spoken to Diz a few times about revisiting the past and weighing up the pros and cons (would memories, the place etc. come back to haunt us), it was decided to see if a reunion of our year could be pulled together.  Whilst few in number from our year, the evening itself was a great success and thought was given to a possible future reunion with longer notice.

"Special mention goes to Angus for flying down from the Hebrides with only 24 hours notice of the reunion.

"Below are some of the photos from the evening, if anybody else has any other photos from the evening (including Stephen Walker) or other up to date ones of yourselves please send them to me."

2003 Jeff Biggs

2003 Penny and Neill

2003 Reunion

2003 reunion

2003 Reunion

2003 Simon and Julian